Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Cure- Wild Mood Swings (1996)

Who were The Cure?

The Cure are an English rock band formed in Crawley in 1976. The band members have changed several times, with guitarist and songwriter Robert Smith the only constant member. The band's debut album was Three Imaginary Boys (1979) and this, along with several early singles, placed the band in the post-punk and new wave movements that had sprung up in the wake of the punk rock revolution in the United Kingdom. During the early 1980s the band's increasingly dark and tormented music, as well as Smith's stage look, was a staple of the emerging style of music known as gothic rock.

Following the release of the album Pornography in 1982, the band's future was uncertain. Smith was keen to move past the gloomy reputation his band had acquired, introducing a greater pop sensibility into the band's music. Songs such as "Let's Go to Bed" (1982), "Just Like Heaven" (1987), "Lovesong" (1989) and "Friday I'm in Love" (1992) aided the band in receiving commercial popularity. The band have released 13 studio albums, two EPs and over 30 singles to date.

The Cure were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2019.

The Cure- Wild Mood Swings (1996)

1. Want
2. Club America
3. This Is a Lie
4. The 13th
5. Strange Attraction
6. Mint Car
7. Jupiter Crash
8. Round & Round & Round
9. Gone!
10. Numb
11. Return
12. Trap
13. Treasure
14. Bare

Favorite songs: "The 13th", "Mint Car", "Treasure"

The Cure Wild Mood Swings zip rar torrent download mp3 

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